11 November 2010

How Do You Cure Boredom?

Found this prompt on Plinky.com and decided to go for it. Sometimes I get stuck on thinking of something clever to say. And, well, a blog is all about thinking of something clever to say, isn't it?! Anyway, I thought I'd look to Plinky for help, and I found this as one of the prompts for November 9: "How Do you Cure Boredom?"

Even boredom is adorable on a baby!!
Hmmm....Interesting question...

Have I ever been bored? Heck, yeah! Like a lot! How 'bout all the way from 4th grade to college final year?! Yeah, I cannot count the number of classes where I have happily dozed off (while simultaneously writing notes! yeah, I wish there was a Guinness Record for that. I'd totally win!) and woke up to the entire class staring at me, wondering when my precariously perched head is going to fall off my shoulders!!

So, boredom is nothing new to me...

But, how to cure boredom? Now that is something new. So, let's see... what are the things I've been doing to cure my boredom?

1. Reading - Yep. This pretty much takes the cake! I read a lot. If I don't get anything, I have taken to reading eons old news on the newspapers that I line the cupboards with! And I don't just read if I'm bored! I am bored when I have nothing to read! Reading is definitely a cure for boredom. I wish that more people would pick up a good book which they have to turn the pages rather than scroll through or download, sit down with a hot cup of coffee (or not), curl up in a comfortable position, and just....read. It's one of the best feelings in the world, apart from smelling the head of a new born... ever tried that?

2. Blogging - start a blog. And then just write! Do not care about the following: a) how many readers you have; b) how often you write; c) how many people know you have a blog; d) how many people care that you have a blog; e) are you funny, charming, interesting, controversial, or even consistently any one of those! My friend, all those concerns are totally secondary to the fact that you just get to vent online and no one can stop you.... :) Got a better reason?

3.Reading Food Blogs - I tell you, once you've gone into a routine of blogging inconsistently, you will bored...again. So, what better to do than go read other people's blogs?! Some people like to read their colleagues' blogs, some like to read boring corporate blogs, I like to read FOOD BLOGS!!!! yaaay! So, if you're a food lover and just like to oggle at good food, go and subscribe to really good food blogs! Too many double-'Os' in that sentence! I like to read The Pioneer Woman (duh! of course!), EpiCute, Joy the Baker, Bakerella, Smitten Kitchen, and Two Boos Who Eat. Each one carries different recipes and it gives me something like a goal or dream to reach out for...because I like cooking comfort food! Which leads me to...

4. Cooking - Feel bored? Learn how to make a brownie, or really good fried chicken, or French fries, or a cake, or pizza! Go look up the recipes, list out the ingredients, go grocery-hunting (trust me, I do that a lot and it's fun!), plan ahead to make your yummy comfort food, let the anticipation build up, dream about it every night till D-Day, get excited, and then make the recipe, then eat to your hearts' content, and then blog about it!! Tell me, I challenge you, tell me, what's not to love about that process?!

5. Find a cure for boredom! That should keep me occupied for the rest of my life, I think!! :)) heheh!

Anyway, that's my list, you guys. What about you? What is your cure for boredom? Have something exciting to fill the hours? Tell me in the comments, okay?

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